Officium, LLC

Minimum Wage & Poster Changes Introduced in 2024

Each year, businesses’ are impacted by new employment regulations, and one such regulation being introduced in 2024 is the minimum wage increase in several cities, counties and states across the U.S. 

While many of you compensate employees above the minimum wage, you still need to be aware of the changes. We recommend you do the following as you begin the new year:

  1. Verify, or adjust payroll accordingly, to ensure that you’re paying all employees at least the minimum wage required for your state, county and city.
  2. Change mandated posters that list minimum wage. 

Maryland Employers: Please note that the new minimum wage, effective January 1, 2024, will be $15.00/hour. This wage is required regardless of company size, which is a change from previous years.

District of Columbia Employers: Please note that the new minimum wage, effective July 1, 2024 will be $17.00/hour. 

Do you have employees located in other states?  Here’s a link to an article that lists all the minimum wage changes coming in 2024.  

Labor Law Posters

As an employer, you should also ensure that your business is compliant in displaying required posters.  Please visit for a list of all labor law posters for federal, state and local levels, that are required for your business.  Keep in mind:

  • Posters need to be displayed in an area where all employees have access to them. If you have employees who come into an office, consider posting them in a breakroom. 
  • If you have a remote workforce, or a hybrid/blended workforce, you should store digital versions of posters on a shared drive where employees can access them at any time, and communicate that location to employees.  
  • District of Columbia Employers:  You have until February 1, 2024 to post the updated Paid Family Leave employee notice introduced in October 2023.  The PFL notice is available in multiple languages and can be downloaded using the links below.

If you have questions about changes to the upcoming wage changes, or any other employee issues, please reach out to edgar@officium.dc or schedule a time to speak with me here.